Weekly Ink - 6/21/16
After a week of vacation it's good to get back to some technology. Here are some of my favorites from last week, Dockercon 2016 and my various feeds. Enjoy!
- Angular 2, React, and Knockout apps on ASP.NET Core - Steve Sanderson
- ASP.NET Core and .NET Core Overview - Rick Strahl
- Using ASP.NET Core with the Command Line, Yeoman and Visual Studio Code - Jerrie Pelser
Angular 2 / TypeScript
- The Future of Declaration Files - TypeScript Team
- Angular 2 Router Announcement - Angular Team
- Angular 2 RC 2 Released - Angular Team
- Docker for AWS and Azure - Docker Blog
- Free HTTPS certificates for Docker containers running ASP.NET Core RC2 on Microsoft Azure - Laurent Kempé
- Developer Bliss with Docker for Mac & Docker for Windows - Dan Wahlin
Random Ink
- The Monaco Editor is the code editor that powers VS Code has been broken out and open sourced. https://microsoft.github.io/monaco-editor/index.html
- The Children's Illustrated Guide to Kubernetes - Matt Butcher