Richmond Code Camp

I will be giving two talks this Saturday at Richmond Code Camp, being held at the University of Richmond in Richmond, Va.  For directions and more information visit follow @CodeCamp on Twitter. Schedule for other sessions here.


My Sessions

Building Windows 8 Apps w/ MVVM Light

8:45 AM - 10:00 AM in Room 2
MVVM Light is a great toolkit for building Window Phone applications and has been updated for building Windows 8 Modern UI apps. In this session, you will learn how to get the package installed, what is different from Windows Phone development in MVVM Light and how to start your first app in Windows 8.

Introduction to ASP.NET WebAPI - Why you should be using it.

12:30 PM - 1:45 PM in Room 1This is an introduction to ASP.NET WebAPI and how easy it is to get started and use it in your application development when building RESTful services.Hope to see you there, should be an exciting event!